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South San Francisco
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Gym Mini (Preschool-Aged) Programs
The Gym Mini Program is a wonderful educational experience for all children ages 1 to 5 whether or not gymnastics is in their future as a sport! These programs develop not only skills in movement but help develop the ability to learn.
Gym Mini Gym Area
The Gym Mini Program has been developed to promote basic motor skills as they apply to all physical activity. In this program, we do not strive to train for the Olympics, but instead we emphasize physical and social development using our specialized motor development equipment as well as our adapted gymnastics equipment with our positive, high-energy staff!
Main Gym Area
Gymtowne Gymnastics offers the complete Developmental Program of USA Gymnastics (USAG). We offer classes for Levels One, Two, Three, and Four. Competitive teams are available for USA Gymnastics Levels Three and up as well as Xcel and NGA.
Summer Camps
Gymtowne Gymnastics offers 10 weeks of Camps that you can customize to your schedule!
Rug Bugs ("Parent and Me")
Gymtowne Gymnastics offers classes beginning when your child begins walking!
School-Aged Gymnastics
Instructional gymnastics classes are offered for girls and boys 6 years old and up in four levels (Levels 1-4) which each have 3 sub levels (each with a color). This program also prepares the student for the Xcel program as well as the USA Gymnastics Level 3-10 Developmental Program.
What's happening at Gymtowne SSF this month?